ARTE, eventi. Parigi, Levi van Veluw: We do not remember

Dal 2 maggio all’8 giugno l’opera dell’artista olandese sarà in esposizione presso Les filles du calvaire. Questi «mette in scena» il proprio mondo interiore mediante installazioni monumentali e intime realizzazioni scultoree

Attraverso We not Remember l’artista olandese Levi van Veluw trasforma la teca della galleria in un’opera d’arte, lo fa riempiendo lo spazio con centoventi repliche della sua stessa effigie, il suo capo.


La disposizione delle teste è caotica, poiché esse si affollano e si scontrano l’una contro l’altra, offrendo una visione inquietante e straniante della folla. Al centro della galleria, un oggetto cilindrico alto sei metri attraversa entrambi i piani. Lo spazio diviene una prigione che non offre alcuna via di fuga. Sulle pareti di questa stanza innumerevoli scaffali sono saturi da cima a fondo di centinaia di teste: si tratta di un magazzino oppure di una fabbrica? O, magari, è l’interno del cervello dell’artista? La sua mente?


Oltre alle installazioni, van Veluw pone in mostra sculture autobiografiche, disegni e film ispirati ai suoi ricordi d’infanzia. Dal profondo della sua memoria, l’artista evoca immagini che riconducono a emozioni universali e sfidano la logica umana. Egli gioca con elementi di ordine e caos, interrogando in questo modo lo spettatore sull’ossessione per il controllo e la ricerca dell’infinito, questo mediante la giustapposizione di linee armoniose e brutali fratture.


Exhibition from May 2nd to June 8th, 2024, Rue des Filles du Calvaire; Les filles du calvaire presents Levi van Veluw’s first solo show in Paris, from Thursday May 2nd to Saturday June 8th, 2024. Levi van Veluw stages his inner world in monumental installations as well as intimate sculptures. For the exhibition We do not remember, Dutch artist Levi van Veluw transforms the gallery’s display case into a work of art. He fills the space with 120 replicas of his own effigy. The heads arrangement is chaotic, as they crowd and clash against each other, offering a disturbing and alienating vision of the crowd. In the center of the gallery, a 6 meter-high cylindrical object crosses both floors.


The space becomes a prison, with no means of escape. On the walls of this room, countless shelves are saturated from top to bottom with hundreds of heads. Is this a warehouse, a factory? Or perhaps the inside of the artist’s brain? In addition to installations, van Veluw shows autobiographical sculptures, drawings and films inspired by his childhood memories. From the depths of his memory, the artist conjures up images that evoke universal emotions and challenge our human logic. Van Veluw plays with elements of order and chaos, questioning the viewer: between obsession with control and the search for infinity through the juxtaposition of harmonious lines and brutal breaks.


Born in 1985, in Hoevelaken, Netherlands, Levi van Veluw lives and works in Amsterdam. The artiste is known for his autobiographical installations, sculptures, drawings, and films that take inspiration from his childhood memories. Delving into the depths of his memory, the artist uncovers images that stir universal emotions and defy our understanding of human logic. Van Veluw balances elements of order and chaos, prompting viewers to ponder our relentless quest for control.


Les filles du calvaire, founded in 1996 by Stéphane Magnan in Paris’s Marais district, is historically located at 17 rue des Filles-du-Calvaire. In 2023, the gallery opened a second 300m2 space at 21 rue Chapon to expand its activities. The gallery is dedicated to contemporary art. The artists it represents come from a wide range of backgrounds. The program is thus rich in dialogue between the commitments and practices of each artist.


Levi van Veluw

We do not remember

Exhibition from May 2nd to June 8th, 2024

Opening on Thursday May 2nd, 6pm-9pm

17 rue des Filles du Calvaire

75003 Paris

Tuesday: 2pm – 6:30pm

Wednesday – Saturday: 11am – 6:30pm
