Le performance di Cecilia Bengolea (Buenos Aires, 1979) vengono ottenute attraverso il ricorso a diversi media, tra i quali il video e la scultura. Utilizza la danza come strumento per favorire l’empatia radicale e lo scambio emotivo; l’artista infonde nella sua pratica le energie simboliche insite nella natura e nelle relazioni, formando le sue composizioni attorno alle idee del corpo, sia individualmente che collettivamente. Ha sviluppato un’opera poliedrica in cui percepisce il movimento, la danza e la performance come fossero sculture animate, contemporaneamente soggetto e oggetto.
A seguito della sua acclamata mostra personale “Liquid Guru”, allestita nel 2020 nella galleria Andréhn-Schiptjenko di Stoccolma, Bengolea ha esplorato ulteriormente le potenzialità delle stampe lenticolari, creando un movimento indotto dallo spettatore all’interno di un’immagine bidimensionale. Nell’esposizione parigina presenterà anche una nuova opera video accompagnata da una performance. Bengolea è nota per le sue collaborazioni con artisti visivi, dancehall e coreografi. Ha co-creato diversi brani di danza per locali come il Ballet de Lyon, il Ballet de Lorraine e il Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal.
Le sue opere sono visibili in Infinite Woman, a cura di Alona Pardo, presso la Fondation Carmignac, nonché presso The Vinyl Factory a Londra. I suoi progetti sviluppati più di recente sono la grande presentazione di sculture e videoopere al Mudam (Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Lussemburgo nel 2022, le mostre al Museo Thyssen Bornemisza nel 2021 e nel 2024, Copenhagen Contemporary 2023, Guggenheim Bilbao nel 2021 e 2022, Biennale di Gwangju nel 2014 e nel 2020 e la performance alla Bourse de Commerce – Collection Pinault a Parigi nel 2021; inoltre, Art Basel Parcours (Bâle, 2021), La Casa Encendida (Madrid, 2021) e Tank (Shanghai, 2020),soltanto per citarne alcuni. L’artista vive e lavora a Parigi e Buenos Aires ed è rappresentata da Andréhn-Schiptjenko dal 2020.
Cecilia Bengolea: Exhibition from October 18 to November 23, 2024 – From October 18 to November 23, Andréhn-Schiptjenko presents Cecilia Bengolea’s first monographic exhibition in Paris. The Argentinian multi-disciplinary artist has developed a multi-faceted body of work in which she considers movement, dance and performance as animated sculptures, and in which she is both subject and object of her work. Here, she explores the potential of lenticular impressions that reflect the movements generated by the viewer in the two-dimensional image itself.
Cecilia Bengolea (Buenos Aires, 1979) works in a range of media including performance, video and sculpture. Bengolea uses dance as a tool and a medium to foster radical empathy and emotional exchange. She infuses her practice with the symbolic energies found within nature and relationships and forms her compositions around ideas of the body – both individually and collectively. Bengolea has developed a multifaceted œuvre in which she sees movement, dance and performance as animated sculpture and where she is simultaneously subject and object of her work.
Following her acclaimed solo-exhibition Liquid Guru, presented in our Stockholm gallery in 2020, Bengolea will further explore the potentials of the lenticular prints, creating viewer induced movement within a two-dimensional image. The exhibition will also showcase a new video-work and be accompanied by a performance. Bengolea is well-known for her collaborative work with visual artists, dancehall artists and choreographers. She has co-created several dance pieces for venues such as the Ballet de Lyon, the Ballet de Lorraine and Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal.
Bengolea’s work can currently be seen in Infinite Woman, curated by Alona Pardo at the Fondation Carmignac, where she also developed a unique performance for the opening event as well as at The Vinyl Factory, London. Recent institutional projects include a large solo-presentation of performance, sculpture and videoworks at MUDAM Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg in 2022, as well as exhibitions at Museum Thyssen Bornemisza 2021, 2024, Copenhagen Contemporary 2023, Guggenheim Bilbao 2021, 2022, the Gwangju Biennial 2014, 2020, and performances at Bourse de Commerce – Collection Pinault, Paris 2021, Art Basel Parcours, Bâle 2021, La Casa Encendida, Madrid 2021, Tank Shanghai 2020 to name but a few.
Her work can be found in major public and private collections, including TBA21 Academy, MIRE – Fond Cantonal d’art contemporain, The Vinyl Factory, Le CNAP – Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Le Consortium Dijon, Fiorucci Art Trust, Tank Shanghai, Fundación Arco, Museo Reina Sofia, Kadist France, Mudam Luxembourg and MONA – Museum of Old and New Art of Tasmania.
Bengolea has recently been a guest teacher at the Master’s programme of Performance at the University of Architecture in Venice, Italy. She lives and works in Paris and Buenos Aires and has been represented by Andréhn-Schiptjenko since 2020.