Roma, 29 marzo 2021 – Standard Ethics migliora il corporate rating di Terna a “EE-” dal precedente “E+”, con una visione di lungo termine «positiva». Terna, la società che gestisce la rete elettrica di trasmissione nazionale, è concentrata sull’allineamento volontario alle indicazioni internazionali ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) fornite da ONU, OCSE e Unione europea.
La centralità della sostenibilità nell’azione di Terna è confermata dal Piano Industriale 2021-25: in base ai criteri della tassonomia europea, il 95% dei circa nove miliardi di investimenti previsti nei prossimi cinque anni, sono per loro natura sostenibili. La strategia del maggiore operatore di rete per la trasmissione elettrica in Europa si conferma, dunque, orientata a coniugare sostenibilità e crescita al fine di favorire la transizione ecologica.
Terna è stata recentemente riconosciuta tra le cinquanta aziende più sostenibili al mondo in occasione del 2020 SEAL (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement & Leadership) Business Sustainability Awards.
Questo importante riconoscimento da parte di Standard Ethics si aggiunge alle ottime performance ottenute in questi anni negli indici internazionali di sostenibilità Bloomberg GEI, Euronext (World, Europe e Eurozone), FTSE4Good (Global e Europe), STOXX® ESG (Global, Environmental, Social e Governance), STOXX® Low Carbon, ECPI, ESI (Ethibel Sustainability Index), MSCI, United Nations Global Compact (“GC100”).
95% of our planned investments in the 2021-2025 Industrial Plan are by their nature sustainable: Terna, Sandard Ethics upgrades the rating to «EE-» from «E+» – The strategy of Italy’s national electricity grid operator confirms its orientation towards combining sustainability and growth, to facilitate the ecological transition and generate increasing benefits for Italy
Rome, 29 March 2021 – Standard Ethics has upgraded Terna’s corporate rating to “EE-” from the previous “E+”, with a long-term “positive” outlook. Terna, the company that operates Italy’s national electricity transmission grid, is very focused on the challenge of voluntarily aligning itself with the international ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) indications provided by the UN, OECD and European Union, Standard Ethics said.
Sustainability is confirmed as a core focus in Terna’s activities by its 2021–2025 Industrial Plan: based on the criteria of the European Taxonomy, 95% of the approximately € 9 billion of investments planned for the next five years are by nature sustainable. The strategy of the largest electricity transmission grid operator in Europe is therefore confirmed as being oriented towards combining sustainability and growth, to encourage the ecological transition and generate increasing benefits for Italy and all its stakeholders.
Terna was recently recognised as one of the 50 most sustainable companies in the world on the occasion of the 2020 SEAL (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement & Leadership) Business Sustainability Awards.
This important recognition by Standard Ethics is added to the excellent performance achieved by Terna in the international sustainability indices: Bloomberg GEI, Euronext (World, Europe and Eurozone), FTSE4Good (Global and Europe), STOXX® ESG (Global, Environmental, Social and Governance), STOXX® Low Carbon, ECPI, ESI (Ethibel Sustainability Index), MSCI, United Nations Global Compact (“GC100”).