Terna S.p.A. ha lanciato oggi con successo un’emissione obbligazionaria per 500 milioni di euro destinata a investitori istituzionali.
L’emissione, che ha ottenuto il favore del mercato, con una richiesta di oltre tre volte l’offerta, è stata realizzata nell’ambito del proprio Programma Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) da di euro, al quale è stato attribuito un rating BBB+ da Standard and Poor’s, (P)Baa2 da Moody’s, BBB+ da Fitch e A- da Scope.
Il bond, che ha una durata decennale e una scadenza al 25 settembre 2030, pagherà una cedola pari a 0,375%, la più bassa di sempre per un’obbligazione di una corporate italiana di tale durata
Sarà emesso a un prezzo pari a 99,502, con uno spread di 65 punti base rispetto al midswap e uno spread indicativo più basso di circa 50 bps rispetto al Btp di pari durata.
Il costo effettivo dell’emissione per Terna risulta quindi pari a 0,426%, rispetto a un costo medio complessivo del debito netto consolidato di piano dell’1,4 per cento.
Per il bond sarà presentata richiesta per l’ammissione a quotazione alla Borsa del Lussemburgo.
L’operazione, a servizio dell’accelerazione degli investimenti sulla rete elettrica ad alta tensione italiana, rientra nella strategia finanziaria di Terna, finalizzata alla massima efficienza e a una gestione proattiva dell’indebitamento volta a cogliere tutte le opportunità offerte dal mercato dei capitali.
L’emissione obbligazionaria è stata collocata da un sindacato di banche composto da Bnp Paribas, BofA, Goldman Sachs, Imi-Intesa Sanpaolo, Morgan Stanley, Smbc Nikko, Société Générale e UniCredit nel ruolo di joint lead managers e joint bookrunners.
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Nel Regno Unito il presente Comunicato è diretto esclusivamente a (i) soggetti con esperienza professionale in materia di investimenti secondo le previsioni dell’art. 19(5) del Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, come modificato (l’“Order”), e investitori qualificati secondo le previsioni dell’art. 49(2) da (a) a (d) dell’Order, ed (ii) a coloro ai quali il presente comunicato potrebbe comunque essere distribuito nel rispetto della legge (collettivamente “Persone Rilevanti”).
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La documentazione relativa all’emissione dei titoli non è o sarà registrata presso la Commissione nazionale per le società e la borsa (Consob) ai sensi della normativa applicabile. Pertanto, i titoli non potranno essere offerti, venduti o distribuiti al pubblico nella Repubblica Italiana eccetto che ad investitori qualificati, come definiti all’art. 2, primo comma, lettera e) del Regolamento (UE) 2017/1129 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 14 giugno 2017 (Regolamento prospetto), all’art. 35, primo comma, lettera d) del Regolamento Consob nr. 20307 del 15 febbraio 2018, come previsto all’art. 100 del D.Lgs. n. 58 del 24 febbraio 1998 (Testo Unico Finanza) e all’art. 34ter del Regolamento Consob nr. 11971 del 14 maggio 1999 (Regolamento Emittenti), in ogni caso come di volta in volta modificati, o nelle altre circostanze previste dall’art. 100 del Testo Unico Finanza, dal Regolamento prospetto o dal Regolamento emittenti, in ogni caso nel rispetto di ogni disposizione normativa e regolamentare o requisito imposto dalla Consob o altra Autorità italiana.
Terna, successful launch of a 10-year bond issue for € 500 million. Rome, 18 September 2020 – Terna S.p.A. today successfully launched a bond issue for € 500 million addressed to institutional investors.
The issue, which received a great market response with demand outstripping supply by more than 3 times the offered amount, was made as part of its € 8,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) Programme, which has been rated BBB+ by Standard and Poor’s, (P)Baa2 by Moody’s, BBB+ by Fitch and A- by Scope.
The bond has a duration of 10 years and maturity on 25 September 2030, will pay a coupon of 0.375%, the lowest for an Italian corporate bond with same duration, and will be issued at a price of 99.502, with a spread of 65 basis points over the midswap and an indicative spread of approximately 50 bps lower than the Italian BTP having same maturity.
The effective cost for Terna of such issuance is, therefore, equal to 0.426% compared to the average cost of the consolidated net debt equal to 1.4% over the Strategic Plan period. An application will be made for the bond to be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
The operation, to support the acceleration of investments in the Italian high voltage electricity grid, is part of Terna’s financial strategy, aiming for the maximum efficiency and proactive debt management aimed at seizing all the opportunities offered by the capital market.
The bond issue was placed by a syndicate of banks formed by Bnp Paribas, BofA, Goldman Sachs, Imi-Intesa Sanpaolo, Morgan Stanley, Smbc Nikko, Société Générale e UniCredit acting as joint lead managers and joint bookrunners.
This Press Release ( the “Press Release”) (including the information contained therein) neither constitutes nor is part of an offer of sale or an invitation to buy Securities issued by the company.
No action has been taken nor will be taken by the Company with the aim of allowing an offer of sale or an invitation to buy Bonds in any jurisdiction where the completion of any formalities whatsoever are required for that purpose.
It is forbidden to distribute this Press Release in jurisdictions where the completion of any formalities whatsoever are required for that purpose. Individuals who have access to this Press Release are required to inform themselves about and to observe the above prohibitions.
In particular, this Press Release (including the information contained therein) neither constitutes nor is part of an offer of sale of Securities in the United States of America or in Japan or in Australia or in Canada and shall not be directly or indirectly distributed in these jurisdictions. The Securities have not been and will not be subject to registration pursuant to the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and may not be offered or sold in the United States of America in the absence of registration or special exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act.
In the United Kingdom this Press Release is directed only (i) at persons with professional experience in investment according to the provisions of Art. 19 (5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, as amended (the “Order”), and qualified investors in accordance with the provisions of Art. 49(2) from (a) to (d) of the Order, and (ii) at those to whom this press release may be distributed in accordance with the law (collectively “Relevant Persons”).
This Press Release must not be used and must not be relied upon by individuals who are not Relevant Persons.
Any investment or investment activity referred to in this Press Release is to be understood as in the exclusive interest of and addressed exclusively to Relevant Persons and will be undertaken exclusively with Relevant Persons.
The documentation relating to the issuance of the Notes is not and will not be submitted to Consob (the Italian Securities Exchange Commission) pursuant to the applicable laws. Therefore, the Notes may not be offered, sold or distributed to the public in the territory of the Republic of Italy, other than to qualified investors, as defined by Article 2(1)(e) of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 (the “Prospectus Regulation”), by Article 35(1)(d) of Consob Regulation No. 20307 of 15 February 2018, pursuant to Article 100 of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998 (the “Consolidated Finance Act”), as amended, and pursuant to Article 34-ter of Consob Regulation No. 11971 of 14 May 1999 (the “Issuers Regulation”), as amended from time to time, or in the other circumstances set forth under Article 100 of the Consolidated Finance Act, the “Prospectus Regulation”, or the Issuers’ Regulation or the Prospectus Regulation, in any case in compliance with laws and regulations or requirements imposed by Consob or other Italian Authority.